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EXCITING NEWS: My book FAITH FULL: A Practical Guide To Fully Living Out Your Faith is available NOW:
A Blog about theology, life, and deepening your understanding of God and Christianity.
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Drew Froese
Jan 309 min read
Children, Ants, and Kleptomaniacs: (Part 2: Homosexuality and Marriage)
IF YOU'VE ALREADY READ the red writing on a preivous blog, skip to the bottom area (starting with the black writing ) \\ Here we go…...

Drew Froese
Jan 228 min read
This is a series of blogs addressing cultural tensions and a Biblical (and logical) perspective. I wrote this months ago, and in light of...

Drew Froese
Jul 26, 20222 min read
Enemies of one another- eventually
The last few years have been chaotic, and the chaos has either enhanced division or exposed what was already there. I'm not here to...

Drew Froese
Jan 19, 20225 min read
My 2022 prayer for Real Life
God, as I reflect on the past few years I am grateful for you faithfulness and your presence in the midst of the chaos of the world, the...

Drew Froese
Sep 8, 20213 min read
If you haven't purchased the book... here is a sneak peek at the introduction If you have purchased the book, please go to AMAZON and...

Drew Froese
Aug 30, 20212 min read
My book is available SEPTEMBER 1st and I'd love your help...
I'm asking you for a small favor that will HUGELY help the book I've written reach more people... THE INFO: FAITH FULL is a culmination...

Drew Froese
Aug 25, 20214 min read
Becoming A Disciple Maker (Pt 2)
The way many of us participate in our faith and in the Church is with the mindset of a student, only following, never leading others.

Drew Froese
Jul 15, 20211 min read
Faith FULL pre-order
The pre-order of my book "Faith Full" is now available on Amazon

Drew Froese
May 5, 20217 min read
Depression, Anxiety, And The Bible.
Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health, and the Bible. How should we interact with medication, counseling, and our fallen world?

Drew Froese
Apr 28, 20218 min read
Turn The Other Cheek
Turn the other cheek? What does that mean and how do I handle abusive and untrustworthy people?

Drew Froese
Apr 21, 20215 min read
What Does The Bible Say About Sex?
What does the Bible say about sex? Why Does God care so much about sex? A Biblical overview of sex.

Drew Froese
Apr 14, 20215 min read
What Is Discipleship? (the need for a better understanding)
Jesus referred to his closest friends as “My disciples.” We often hear about the importance of discipling others. But what is discipleship?

Drew Froese
Jan 7, 20214 min read
My Prayer for Real Life 2021
Well, 2020 did not look like I thought, and as I reflect on last year's prayer for Real Life, God, you accomplished it in ways I never...

Drew Froese
Oct 21, 20204 min read
A Quick Philosophical Critique on "You be you" Morality
We live in a culture that has bought into the lie that we are autonomous beings. “No one can tell me what to do or who to be!” “I just...

Drew Froese
Sep 2, 20201 min read
Social Reform Magic Elixir
Our conversation ends with a lovingly honest critique of what these officers see as a social change that needs to help move us forward.

Drew Froese
Aug 26, 20201 min read
Police Reform Magic Elixir
Given what you've seen, if you could only make one change, what change would you make to policing?

Drew Froese
Aug 19, 20201 min read
"We" Black "I" White
There is an individualism that exists in the way we process this tension which has us looking at things differently.

Drew Froese
Aug 17, 20201 min read
3 More Intriguing Conversations on Policing....
Part 4- What Can Law Enforcement do? Part 5- Being a Father... Police Officer Part 6- Benefit of the Doubt... For Cops?

Drew Froese
Aug 12, 20201 min read
"Race Is Just a Social Construct"
Some have said because race is a social construct our tensions are a non-issue...
Drew Froese
Aug 5, 20201 min read
Will Ignoring "Racism" Make It Go Away?
Some have suggested that the more we dive into this, the more we perpetuate racism... so should we just ignore it? Watch here, or listen...
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